Access project data (i.e., RFIs, Budget Items, Logs, and more) for no-code transformation and visualization. Use Automations to update your data daily.

Use the Procore data connector to access your Procore data as a source in Toric.
Import all your project data and select which to focus on, for instance RFIs. Group by Schedule Impact to see which RFIs may result in a delay of completion; or sort RFI's by Cost Impact to show the RFIs that have the largest cost impact on the project.

Build reports and dashboards using a variety of visualizations (ie. Pie Charts, Line Charts, and much more). For example, track the value of change events over time in a line chart to validate if a project is accumulating cost overrun. Add text to contextualize your data visualizations and better communicate your analysis to project stakeholders.

Share your report or dashboard within Toric to your colleagues and superiors, or generate an embeddable link to place back into Procore for the reste of your team to view.
Here is an example of using the PROCORE integration to build a quick project budget dashboard.
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Access project data (i.e., RFIs, Budget Items, Logs, and more) for no-code transformation and visualization. Use Automations to update your data daily.
Owner & Operators
Architecture & Engineering
- Toric Subscription
- Procore Subscription
- Web Browser (Safari, Chrome, Edge, Firefox)
Data Access
Construction Financials
- Billing Periods
- Budget Views
- Budget View Detail Rows
- Budget View Snapshot
- Budget View Snapshots Detail Rows
- Budget View Summary Rows
- Change Events
- Change Order Change Reasons
- Change Order Requests
- Direct Costs
- Line Item Types
- [List / Detailed] Budget Modifications
- [List / Detailed] Change Order Packages
- [List / Detailed] Potential Change Orders
- [List / Detailed] Purchase Order Contracts
- [List / Detailed] Work Order Contracts
- Manual Forecast Line Items
- Monitoring Resources
- Prime Contracts
- Requisitions (Subcontractor Invoices)
- RFQs
- Show Budget
- Work Breakdown Structure Codes
- Work Order Contract Detail Line Items
- Work Order Contract Line Items
Core Tools
- Company Custom Field Sets
- Company Documents
- Company Inactive Users
- Company Offices
- Company Programs
- Company Trades
- Company Users
- Company Vendors
- Cost Codes
- Custom fields
- Documents
- Line Item Types
- [List / Detailed] Company Projects
- Project Locations
- Project Tools
- Project Users
- Project Vendor
- Project Vendors Insurances
- Sub Jobs
- Tasks
- Workflow Activitiy Histories
- Workflow Instances
Field Productivity
- Equipment Maintenance Log
Project Management
- Admin Equipment Logs
- Bids
- Bid Contacts
- BIM Models
- Calendar Items
- Coordination Issues
- [Daily] Construction Reports Logs
- [Daily] Delivery Logs
- [Daily] Inspection Logs
- [Daily] Log Counts
- [Daily] Manpower Logs
- Drawings
- Drawing Areas
- Forms
- Images
- Inspection Types
- Inspections Users
- Instructions
- [List / Detailed] Meetings
- [List / Detailed] RFIs
- [List / Detailed] Submittals
- Replies
- Responses
- Safety Violation Logs
- Schedule
- Submittal Approvers
- Specification Sections
- Specification Section Divisions
- Specification Section Revisions
- Specification Sets
- Visitor Logs
Quality & Safety
- Action Plans
- Checklists
- Checklist Items
- Checklist Attachments
- Checklist Comments
- Checklist Default Distribution
- Checklist Item Attachments
- Checklist Items Observations
- Checklist List Filter Options
- Checklist Sections
- Checklist Signature Requests
- Checklist Templates
- Checklist Types
- Company Checklist Sections
- Company Checklist Templates
- Company Checklist Template Sections
- Company Observation Types
- Forms
- Incidents
- Inspection Types
- Inspection Users
- [List / Detailed] Observations
- Project Checklist Templates
- Punch Items
- Responses
- Hooks
- Triggers