Export and Access data from AWS S3 for no-code transformation and visualization. Use Automations to update your data daily.
What is Amazon AWS S3?
Amazon AWS S3 is cloud-based object storage service which allows it's customers to security store data.
What the AWS S3 integration look like in Toric?
Toric let's you set up Automations to streamline importing data from AWS S3. Select your AWS S3 bucket and use Toric's no-code Dataflows to transform and visualize your data.
How to Export AWS S3 from Toric
Connect your S3 bucket in Toric. Once connected the nodes to read/write will be available in dataflows.

Writing data to the bucket from a dataflow is easy, simply add the S3 export node:

Here is a data pipeline taking data from Quickbooks, data-prep and cleanup which is exported to S3:

Don't see the data you're looking for - reach out and let us know what we could add to help your use case (support@toric.com)
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Export and Access data from AWS S3 for no-code transformation and visualization. Use Automations to update your data daily.
- Toric Subscription
- Amazon AWS Subscription
- Web Browser (Safari, Chrome, Edge, Firefox)
Data Access
- Export data from Toric to S3
- Read data from S3