All About Duplicate Columns

Duplicate Column

As the name implies, this node lets you pick one or many columns and creates a copy of each.

This article covers:

  • • How Do I Add The Duplicate Column Node?
  • • Duplicate Column Node Options
  • • FAQ

How Do I Add The Duplicate Column Node?

Add Duplicate Column to any node in your Dataflow. Select any node and use the Transform (+) button to open the list of options to select d Duplicate Column. You could work with the node in the Dataflow tab or use the Properties panel.


Duplicate Columns Node Options

The Duplicate Column node is broken up into: 

  1. Select which fields to Duplicate.
  2. Give a name to the new column.
  3. Add, remove, o reorder columns.

1. Select which fields to Duplicate.

Using the dropdown, select the first column you would like to duplicate.

2. Give a name to the new column.

Use the text box to enter a new name for the resulting column.

3. Add, remove,or reorder columns.

Click the +Duplicate Another button and pick the second column - you could add more than two.

To change the order of new columns, click and hold the drag handle on the left of a column. Then drag the column up or down. New columns are added from left to right, and the order will match the top to bottom order in the node.

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