Use two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security on your Toric account. Read on to learn how you could set 2FA for yourself and your team.

This article covers:

  • • What is Two-Factor Authentication?
  • • Installing an Authentication App.
  • • Enable Two-Factor Authentication in Toric
  • • FAQ

What is Two-Factor Authentication?

Two-factor Authentication (2FA) is a security feature that requires you to use a secondary app to confirm your identity when logging into an application. 2FA will allow you and your team to add a level of protection against unauthorized logins to your account.

In addition to your email and password, Toric will ask you to enter the 6-digit code generated by the authentication app of your choice.

Note:  You can only set 2FA if you are signed in with your Toric account.

Installing an Authentication Application (App)

Before enabling two-factor authentication, please download an authentication app. These apps can be download on your computer or mobile device. For more instructions on each app, please visit the links provided below.

List of supported authentication apps:

Note: You could only choose one authentication app. For example, you cannot have Google Authenticator and Authy simultaneously provide codes.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication in Toric?

Two-factor authentication could be enforced at your organization level or it can be set up by individual members. To enable 2FA, navigate to the Settings page.

Individual member 2FA

You can set 2FA for your account. In the Settings page, make sure you're in the Account Details tab. then navigate to Account Security and click on Enable 2FA.

Organization wide 2FA

If you're a Toric account Admin you could enforce 2FA for all members of your organization. Click the Organization tab and click the toggle to enforce 2FA for your entire organization.

After an organization-wide 2FA is enabled, every member will be logged out and asked to set up the 2FA to be able to login again.


1. Are you still stuck?

Reach out 😃. Our team is here to help out. To open a support ticket, write to us using the in App chat or at

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