Toricverse to Go for iPhone and iPad

Explore Toricverse Data Apps directly from your iPhone or iPad - all at the touch of a finger.

Where Do I Download the Toric App for iOS?

On your Apple device, tap the following link to download and install the app ( If you're searching for Toric on the App Store, type Toric BI.

How Do I Open Toricverse on My Apple Device?

Open the Toric app and tap the Explore Toricverse link. You will be redirected to a list of pre-built Data Apps which apply to different use cases.

Exploring a Data App is easy, simply tap a Data App card to open the template and begin exploring on your iOS device. You can scroll pages, tables, and even navigate 3D models by swiping your finger up or down on your screen. If you like what you see you could tap the Sign In button on the top right to login or create and account.


Who is the Toric iOS app for?

We built the iOS app to give teams the ability to view Data Apps on the go.

I created an account but I cannot login?

Toric for iOS is currently reserved for our current customers. If you have received a waiting list message, our team will reach out to you shortly.

I have been on the waiting list for a while, how can I get access now?

If you have been on the waiting list and want immediate access, please place a request by writing to

Where can I post feature requests?

We would love to hear your feedback. Don't hesitate to reach out at