Configure Smartsheet Connector

Configure Smartsheet Connector


  • A Toric Pro or Enterprise plan
  • Smartsheets account
  • A web browser (Google Chrome, Safari, etc)

How to configure the Smartsheet connector

  1. Log in to Toric and navigate to the integration section in the left-hand menu.
  2. Scroll down to find the "Spreadsheets" header and click on "Setup Integration" under the Smartsheet section.
  3. Click on "Create Connection" and provide a configuration name for the integration.
  4. Click on "Log into Smartsheet" and enter your Smartsheet credentials.
  5. Once you sign in, you'll be asked to allow access to Toric. Grant the necessary permissions.
  6. After granting access, you'll be redirected back to the Toric page.
  7. Click on "Validate Configuration" to verify that the integration is successful. A green confirmation indicates a successful validation.
  8. Finally, click on "Add Configuration" to finalize and create your Smartsheet connector.
  9. Under the "Connections" tab, you'll see a list of your connections, including the newly set up Smartsheet integration.

By following these steps, users can seamlessly integrate their Smartsheet data into Toric, enabling them to perform data analysis and visualization using the Toric platform.