Configure Toric Webhooks for Procore

Configure Procore Webhooks

Getting your data is easy with Toric’s integrations. Read on for a step-by-step guide to configure your Toric Webhooks in your Procore account to access to your company and project data.

This article covers:

  • • What Are Webhooks?
  • • Generate Webhooks In Toric
  • • Configure Toric Webhooks in Procore
  • • Example Procore Webhook
  • • FAQ

What Are Webhooks?

A webhook is a a type of lightweight API that could receive data when and change event is triggered. For example, if RFIs are added in your Procore project, an existing Procore source will be updated in Toric with latest changes. This trigger must be configured before using it in an automation.

There's plenty more online to learn about APIs vs. Webhooks, or you could like to deep dive on Procore Webhooks.

Generate Webhooks in Toric

Go to the Procore Integration in Toric, then click the Webhooks tab.

Configure Toric Webhooks in Procore

In Procore, follow the following steps to setup Toric webhook:

  1. Select a Company
  2. Select a Project
  3. Select Webhooks
  4. Paste Notification Endpoint
  5. Paste Authorization Header
  6. Select Webhook Options
  7. Save Endpoints
  8. Options in Toric

Setup time: 1 min

1. Select a Company

Login to Procore and select your Company using the dropdown (top left).

2. Select a Project

Select a project using the Project selection dropdown (top left). If you do not select project, the Webhooks will fetch company level data.

3. Select Webhooks

Navigate to the Webhooks option in the right menu. Select this option to open Webhook Configuration.

4. Paste Notification Endpoint

Paste the Notification Endpoint URL generated in Toric.

5. Paste Authorization Header

Paste the Authorization Header id generated in Toric.

6. Select Webhook Options

Scroll down the list of Webhooks configurations. There are configurations for each module in Procore

These are the categories at the Company Level

  1. Project Management
  2. Construction Financials
  3. Core
  4. Quality & Safety

These are the categories at the Project Level

  1. Project Management
  2. Construction Financials
  3. Core
  4. Field Productivity
  5. Quality & Safety

7. Save Endpoints

Select a project using the Project selection dropdown (top left)

Procore Webhooks - Setup

8. Options in Toric

Once a webhook is created, you have a few options. You can create a Webhook using the +Generate a Webhook button.

In addition, click the three dots to open the list of options:

  1. Copy webhook URL
  2. Copy destination folder
  3. Delete: This is will destroy the Webhook and you will not be able to restore it. You could also use the red trash can icon to delete a Webhook.
Procore Webhooks - Options

Example Webhooks Automation for Procore

Checkout this quick example of a Procore automation using Webhooks. Learn more about other types of actions in Automations for Integrations.

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